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Interface DownloadFileParamsV2

Low level interface for downloading files


  • DownloadFileParamsV2



outputFile?: OutFile

The output file path, directory,buffer, or stream-like object. If the path exists and is a file, it will be overwritten.

If the file path is undefined or Buffer, then the result will be saved in memory and returned as Buffer.

dcId?: number

The dcId that the file belongs to. Used to borrow a sender from that DC. The library should handle this for you

fileSize?: BigInteger

The file size that is about to be downloaded, if known.
Only used if progressCallback is specified.

partSizeKb?: number

How much to download in each chunk. The larger the less requests to be made. (max is 512kb).

progressCallback?: progressCallback

Progress callback accepting one param. (progress :number) which is a float between 0 and 1

msgData?: [EntityLike, number]

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