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Interface EditMessageParams

Interface for editing messages


  • EditMessageParams



message: number | Message

The ID of the message (or Message itself) to be edited. If the entity was a Message, then this message will be treated as the new text.

text?: string

The new text of the message. Does nothing if the entity was a Message.

parseMode?: any

See the TelegramClient.parseMode property for allowed values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.

formattingEntities?: TypeMessageEntity[]

A list of message formatting entities. When provided, the parseMode is ignored.

linkPreview?: boolean

Should the link preview be shown?

file?: FileLike

The file object that should replace the existing media in the message. Does nothing if entity was a Message

forceDocument?: false

Whether to send the given file as a document or not.

buttons?: MarkupLike

The matrix (list of lists), row list or button to be shown after sending the message.
This parameter will only work if you have signed in as a bot. You can also pass your own ReplyMarkup here.

All the following limits apply together:

  • There can be 100 buttons at most (any more are ignored).
  • There can be 8 buttons per row at most (more are ignored).
  • The maximum callback data per button is 64 bytes.
  • The maximum data that can be embedded in total is just over 4KB, shared between inline callback data and text.
schedule?: number

If set, the message won't be edited immediately, and instead it will be scheduled to be automatically edited at a later time.

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