- Getting Started
- Quick Start
- Introduction
- TL
- Account
- AcceptAuthorization
- CancelPasswordEmail
- ChangeAuthorizationSettings
- ChangePhone
- CheckUsername
- ConfirmPasswordEmail
- ConfirmPhone
- CreateTheme
- DeclinePasswordReset
- DeleteAccount
- DeleteSecureValue
- FinishTakeoutSession
- GetAccountTTL
- GetAllSecureValues
- GetAuthorizationForm
- GetAuthorizations
- GetAutoDownloadSettings
- GetChatThemes
- GetContactSignUpNotification
- GetContentSettings
- GetGlobalPrivacySettings
- GetMultiWallPapers
- GetNotifyExceptions
- GetNotifySettings
- GetPassword
- GetPasswordSettings
- GetPrivacy
- GetSavedRingtones
- GetSecureValue
- GetTheme
- GetThemes
- GetTmpPassword
- GetWallPaper
- GetWallPapers
- GetWebAuthorizations
- InitTakeoutSession
- InstallTheme
- InstallWallPaper
- RegisterDevice
- ReportPeer
- ReportProfilePhoto
- ResendPasswordEmail
- ResetAuthorization
- ResetNotifySettings
- ResetPassword
- ResetWallPapers
- ResetWebAuthorization
- ResetWebAuthorizations
- SaveAutoDownloadSettings
- SaveRingtone
- SaveSecureValue
- SaveTheme
- SaveWallPaper
- SendChangePhoneCode
- SendConfirmPhoneCode
- SendVerifyEmailCode
- SendVerifyPhoneCode
- SetAccountTTL
- SetAuthorizationTTL
- SetContactSignUpNotification
- SetContentSettings
- SetGlobalPrivacySettings
- SetPrivacy
- UnregisterDevice
- UpdateDeviceLocked
- UpdateNotifySettings
- UpdatePasswordSettings
- UpdateProfile
- UpdateStatus
- UpdateTheme
- UpdateUsername
- UploadRingtone
- UploadTheme
- UploadWallPaper
- VerifyEmail
- VerifyPhone
- Auth
- AcceptLoginToken
- BindTempAuthKey
- CancelCode
- CheckPassword
- CheckRecoveryPassword
- DropTempAuthKeys
- ExportAuthorization
- ExportLoginToken
- ImportAuthorization
- ImportBotAuthorization
- ImportLoginToken
- LogOut
- RecoverPassword
- RequestPasswordRecovery
- ResendCode
- ResetAuthorizations
- SendCode
- SignIn
- SignUp
- Bots
- AnswerWebhookJSONQuery
- GetBotCommands
- GetBotMenuButton
- ResetBotCommands
- SendCustomRequest
- SetBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights
- SetBotCommands
- SetBotGroupDefaultAdminRights
- SetBotMenuButton
- Channels
- CheckUsername
- ConvertToGigagroup
- CreateChannel
- DeleteChannel
- DeleteHistory
- DeleteMessages
- DeleteParticipantHistory
- EditAdmin
- EditBanned
- EditCreator
- EditLocation
- EditPhoto
- EditTitle
- ExportMessageLink
- GetAdminedPublicChannels
- GetAdminLog
- GetChannels
- GetFullChannel
- GetGroupsForDiscussion
- GetInactiveChannels
- GetLeftChannels
- GetMessages
- GetParticipant
- GetParticipants
- GetSendAs
- GetSponsoredMessages
- InviteToChannel
- JoinChannel
- LeaveChannel
- ReadHistory
- ReadMessageContents
- ReportSpam
- SetDiscussionGroup
- SetStickers
- ToggleJoinRequest
- ToggleJoinToSend
- TogglePreHistoryHidden
- ToggleSignatures
- ToggleSlowMode
- UpdateUsername
- ViewSponsoredMessage
- Contacts
- AcceptContact
- AddContact
- Block
- BlockFromReplies
- DeleteByPhones
- DeleteContacts
- GetBlocked
- GetContactIDs
- GetContacts
- GetLocated
- GetSaved
- GetStatuses
- GetTopPeers
- ImportContacts
- ResetSaved
- ResetTopPeerRating
- ResolvePhone
- ResolveUsername
- Search
- ToggleTopPeers
- Unblock
- Folders
- Help
- AcceptTermsOfService
- DismissSuggestion
- EditUserInfo
- GetAppChangelog
- GetAppConfig
- GetAppUpdate
- GetCdnConfig
- GetConfig
- GetCountriesList
- GetDeepLinkInfo
- GetInviteText
- GetNearestDc
- GetPassportConfig
- GetPremiumPromo
- GetPromoData
- GetRecentMeUrls
- GetSupport
- GetSupportName
- GetTermsOfServiceUpdate
- GetUserInfo
- HidePromoData
- SaveAppLog
- SetBotUpdatesStatus
- InitConnection
- InvokeAfterMsg
- InvokeAfterMsgs
- InvokeWithLayer
- InvokeWithMessagesRange
- InvokeWithoutUpdates
- InvokeWithTakeout
- Langpack
- Messages
- AcceptEncryption
- AcceptUrlAuth
- AddChatUser
- CheckChatInvite
- CheckHistoryImport
- CheckHistoryImportPeer
- ClearAllDrafts
- ClearRecentStickers
- CreateChat
- DeleteChat
- DeleteChatUser
- DeleteExportedChatInvite
- DeleteHistory
- DeleteMessages
- DeletePhoneCallHistory
- DeleteRevokedExportedChatInvites
- DeleteScheduledMessages
- DiscardEncryption
- EditChatAbout
- EditChatAdmin
- EditChatDefaultBannedRights
- EditChatPhoto
- EditChatTitle
- EditExportedChatInvite
- EditInlineBotMessage
- EditMessage
- ExportChatInvite
- FaveSticker
- ForwardMessages
- GetAdminsWithInvites
- GetAllChats
- GetAllDrafts
- GetAllStickers
- GetArchivedStickers
- GetAttachedStickers
- GetAttachMenuBot
- GetAttachMenuBots
- GetAvailableReactions
- GetBotCallbackAnswer
- GetChatInviteImporters
- GetChats
- GetCommonChats
- GetDhConfig
- GetDialogFilters
- GetDialogs
- GetDialogUnreadMarks
- GetDiscussionMessage
- GetDocumentByHash
- GetEmojiKeywords
- GetEmojiKeywordsDifference
- GetEmojiKeywordsLanguages
- GetEmojiURL
- GetExportedChatInvite
- GetExportedChatInvites
- GetFavedStickers
- GetFeaturedStickers
- GetFullChat
- GetGameHighScores
- GetHistory
- GetInlineBotResults
- GetInlineGameHighScores
- GetMaskStickers
- GetMessageEditData
- GetMessageReactionsList
- GetMessageReadParticipants
- GetMessages
- GetMessagesReactions
- GetMessagesViews
- GetOldFeaturedStickers
- GetOnlines
- GetPeerDialogs
- GetPeerSettings
- GetPinnedDialogs
- GetPollResults
- GetPollVotes
- GetRecentLocations
- GetRecentStickers
- GetReplies
- GetSavedGifs
- GetScheduledHistory
- GetScheduledMessages
- GetSearchCounters
- GetSearchResultsCalendar
- GetSearchResultsPositions
- GetSplitRanges
- GetStickers
- GetStickerSet
- GetSuggestedDialogFilters
- GetUnreadMentions
- GetUnreadReactions
- GetWebPage
- GetWebPagePreview
- HideAllChatJoinRequests
- HideChatJoinRequest
- HidePeerSettingsBar
- ImportChatInvite
- InitHistoryImport
- InstallStickerSet
- MarkDialogUnread
- MigrateChat
- ProlongWebView
- RateTranscribedAudio
- ReadDiscussion
- ReadEncryptedHistory
- ReadFeaturedStickers
- ReadHistory
- ReadMentions
- ReadMessageContents
- ReadReactions
- ReceivedMessages
- ReceivedQueue
- ReorderPinnedDialogs
- ReorderStickerSets
- Report
- ReportEncryptedSpam
- ReportSpam
- RequestEncryption
- RequestSimpleWebView
- RequestUrlAuth
- RequestWebView
- SaveDefaultSendAs
- SaveDraft
- SaveGif
- SaveRecentSticker
- Search
- SearchGlobal
- SearchSentMedia
- SearchStickerSets
- SendEncrypted
- SendEncryptedFile
- SendEncryptedService
- SendInlineBotResult
- SendMedia
- SendMessage
- SendMultiMedia
- SendReaction
- SendScheduledMessages
- SendScreenshotNotification
- SendVote
- SendWebViewData
- SendWebViewResultMessage
- SetBotCallbackAnswer
- SetBotPrecheckoutResults
- SetBotShippingResults
- SetChatAvailableReactions
- SetChatTheme
- SetDefaultReaction
- SetEncryptedTyping
- SetGameScore
- SetHistoryTTL
- SetInlineBotResults
- SetInlineGameScore
- SetTyping
- StartBot
- StartHistoryImport
- ToggleBotInAttachMenu
- ToggleDialogPin
- ToggleNoForwards
- ToggleStickerSets
- TranscribeAudio
- TranslateText
- UninstallStickerSet
- UnpinAllMessages
- UpdateDialogFilter
- UpdateDialogFiltersOrder
- UpdatePinnedMessage
- UploadEncryptedFile
- UploadImportedMedia
- UploadMedia
- Payments
- AssignAppStoreTransaction
- AssignPlayMarketTransaction
- CanPurchasePremium
- ClearSavedInfo
- ExportInvoice
- GetBankCardData
- GetPaymentForm
- GetPaymentReceipt
- GetSavedInfo
- RequestRecurringPayment
- RestorePlayMarketReceipt
- SendPaymentForm
- ValidateRequestedInfo
- Phone
- AcceptCall
- CheckGroupCall
- ConfirmCall
- CreateGroupCall
- DiscardCall
- DiscardGroupCall
- EditGroupCallParticipant
- EditGroupCallTitle
- ExportGroupCallInvite
- GetCallConfig
- GetGroupCall
- GetGroupCallJoinAs
- GetGroupCallStreamChannels
- GetGroupCallStreamRtmpUrl
- GetGroupParticipants
- InviteToGroupCall
- JoinGroupCall
- JoinGroupCallPresentation
- LeaveGroupCall
- LeaveGroupCallPresentation
- ReceivedCall
- RequestCall
- SaveCallDebug
- SaveCallLog
- SaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs
- SendSignalingData
- SetCallRating
- StartScheduledGroupCall
- ToggleGroupCallRecord
- ToggleGroupCallSettings
- ToggleGroupCallStartSubscription
- Photos
- Stats
- Stickers
- AddStickerToSet
- ChangeStickerPosition
- CheckShortName
- CreateStickerSet
- RemoveStickerFromSet
- SetStickerSetThumb
- SuggestShortName
- Updates
- Upload
- Users
Delete installed wallpapers
const { Api, TelegramClient } = require("telegram");
const { StringSession } = require("telegram/sessions");
const session = new StringSession(""); // You should put your string session here
const client = new TelegramClient(session, apiId, apiHash, {});
(async function run() {
await client.connect(); // This assumes you have already authenticated with .start()
const result = await client.invoke(new Api.account.ResetWallPapers({}));
console.log(result); // prints the result
import { Api, TelegramClient } from "telegram";
import { StringSession } from "telegram/sessions";
const session = new StringSession(""); // You should put your string session here
const client = new TelegramClient(session, apiId, apiHash, {});
(async function run() {
await client.connect(); // This assumes you have already authenticated with .start()
const result: Api.Bool = await client.invoke(
new Api.account.ResetWallPapers({})
console.log(result); // prints the result
Name | Type | Description |
Possible errors
Code | Type | Description |
Can bots use this method?