

Get more info about a Seamless Telegram Login authorization request, for more info click here »


const { Api, TelegramClient } = require("telegram");
const { StringSession } = require("telegram/sessions");

const session = new StringSession(""); // You should put your string session here
const client = new TelegramClient(session, apiId, apiHash, {});

(async function run() {
  await client.connect(); // This assumes you have already authenticated with .start()

  const result = await client.invoke(
    new Api.messages.RequestUrlAuth({
      peer: "username",
      msgId: 43,
      buttonId: 43,
      url: "some string here",
  console.log(result); // prints the result
import { Api, TelegramClient } from "telegram";
import { StringSession } from "telegram/sessions";

const session = new StringSession(""); // You should put your string session here
const client = new TelegramClient(session, apiId, apiHash, {});

(async function run() {
  await client.connect(); // This assumes you have already authenticated with .start()

  const result: Api.UrlAuthResult = await client.invoke(
    new Api.messages.RequestUrlAuth({
      peer: "username",
      msgId: 43,
      buttonId: 43,
      url: "some string here",
  console.log(result); // prints the result


flags#Flags, see TL conditional fields
peerflags.1?InputPeerPeer where the message is located
msgIdflags.1?intThe message
buttonIdflags.1?intThe ID of the button with the authorization request
urlflags.2?stringURL used for link URL authorization, click here for more info »



Possible errors


Can bots use this method?


Seamless Telegram Login

Handle Seamless Telegram Login URL authorization requests.